NJEXCEL Frequently Asked Questions

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What is NJEXCEL?

The New Jersey Expedited Certification in Educational Leadership (NJEXCEL) Program is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education as an innovative, non-traditional program leading to certification for Supervisor, Principal, Director of School Counseling Services, Teacher-Leader, and School Administrator.   

Who is eligible for NJEXCEL?

Eligibility for NJEXCEL Models 1, 2, and 3 require a minimum of a Master’s Degree in a related educational field related and four years of full-time teaching experience and/or experience as an educational specialist (i.e. school social worker, school psychologist, and counselor).  NOTE:  Long-term substitute positions do not count toward total years expereince.  Candidates must complete a minimum of five years of successful teaching/educational services experience to be eligible for a Certificate of Eligibility as Principal.  

NJEXCEL Model 4 leads to School Administrator certification.  Candidates must hold a minimum of a Master’s Degree, completed five years of successful full-time educational experience under a valid certificate, and hold a NJ Certificate of Eligibility for Principal or Standard Certificate as Principal. Individuals who have a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and serve as a Business Administrator/Board Secretary for at least five year are eligible for the program.

What NJEXCEL Model suits my experience and career goals?

NJEXCEL’s program models are designed to match each individual’s educational and professional experience with a path to certification to meet their career goals. The models are briefly described below.

NJEXCEL Model 1:  This model is for practicing supervisors with at least five years of supervisory experience.  It leads to a NJ Certificate of Eligibility for Principal (and certification for Director of School Counseling Services*) upon completion of the instructional components, including field-based experiences and internship, along with a passing score on the state-required test for Principal Certification (School Leader Licensure Assessment/SLLA).

NJEXCEL Model 2:  This model is for practicing classroom teachers and educational specialists holding supervisor certification and at least four years of full-time certificated experience or practicing supervisors with less than five years of supervisory experience.  It leads to a NJ Certificate of Eligibility for Principal (and certification for Director of School Counseling Services*) upon completion of the instructional components, including field-based experiences and internships, along with a passing score on the state-required test for Principal Certification (School Leader Licensure Assessment/SLLA).

NJEXCEL Model 3: This model is for practicing classroom teachers and educational specialists with at least four years of full-time, certificated experience.  It leads to NJ certification for Supervisor*, Certificate of Eligibility for Principal, Director of School Counseling Services#, and Teacher-Leader** upon completion of instructional components, including plus field-based experiences and internships, along with a passing score on the state-required test for Principal Certification (School Leader Licensure Assessment/SLLA).

NJEXCEL Model #4: This model is for practicioners who have a Certificate of Eligibility (CE), Provisional or Standard Principal Certificate.  It leads to NJ Certificate of Eligibility for School Administrator upon completion of a project-based School Administrator Internship and a passing score on the State-required test for School Administrator Certification (School Superintendent Assessment/SSA).

NOTES: *The NJDOE does not require a test for certification as Supervisor or Director of School Counseling Services. #Eligibility for Director of School Counseling Services Certification requires a master’s degree in school counseling and a minimum of three years of counselor experience. **Candidates must meet instructional certification and state eligibility requirements to become eligible for the Teacher-Leader endorsement.  


Do I have to wait until I have five years of experience as a teacher and/or educational specialist before I can apply to NJ EXCEL Model 2 or Model 3?

The NJDOE requires that you have completed at least five years of full-time experience as a teacher and/or educational specialist in order to be eligible for a NJ Principal CE.  Therefore, all NJEXCEL candidates must have completed at least four years of full-time teaching/educational specialist experience so that this requirement can be met by the end of their respective programs.


If I have a master's degree in a related educational field that is not specific to a content area in the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS), such as special education or pupil personnel services, am I eligible?


If I am certified as a supervisor and have supervisory experience in another state, am I eligible?

It depends.  If you do not currently hold a NJ Supervisor certificate, you would need to request the NJDOE to evaluate your credentials for reciprocity, which in turn would determine your eligibility for the program.   If eligible, the out-of-state supervisory/teaching years of certificated experience can be acceptable to meet admission requirements.  

Can experience as a department head, coordinator, or similar position count as supervisory experience?

Yes, as long as the position, regardless of title, requires supervisor certification with responsibilities typical of the supervisory role (e.g. staff supervision, curriculum and professional development, program and coordination).

Do I have to be a member of NJPSA to apply to NJEXCEL?

No, you do not have to be an NJPSA member to apply.   However, once accepted, Model 3 candidates and Model 2 candidates who are not currently supervisors will become NJPSA “Aspiring Leader” category members for the standard program enrollment period at no additional cost.  

For NJEXCEL Model 1, do I need five years of full-time experience as a Supervisor or can it be part-time?
State code requires five years of successful full-time experience as a supervisor of an instructional area or department related to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards under a valid supervisor certificate to be eligible for principal certification upon completion of NJEXCEL Model 1. Therefore, you may apply to NJEXCEL with at least four (4) years of supervisory experience if you will complete your fifth year by the end of the NJEXCEL Program. The required five years of supervisory experience is determined based on the job's requirement for supervisor certification and the nature of the responsibilities of the position you hold, regardless of title. For example, if your position requires supervisor certification and includes both supervisory and teaching responsibilities, it could be considered full-time.
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