NJEXCEL Frequently Asked Questions

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What is NJEXCEL?

The New Jersey Expedited Certification in Educational Leadership (NJEXCEL) Program is approved by the New Jersey Department of Education as an innovative, non-traditional program leading to certification for Supervisor, Principal, Director of School Counseling Services, Teacher-Leader, and School Administrator.   

Who is eligible for NJEXCEL?

Eligibility for NJEXCEL Models 1, 2, and 3 require a minimum of a Master’s Degree in a related educational field related and four years of full-time teaching experience and/or experience as an educational specialist (i.e. school social worker, school psychologist, and counselor).  NOTE:  Long-term substitute positions do not count toward total years expereince.  Candidates must complete a minimum of five years of successful teaching/educational services experience to be eligible for a Certificate of Eligibility as Principal.  

NJEXCEL Model 4 leads to School Administrator certification.  Candidates must hold a minimum of a Master’s Degree, completed five years of successful full-time educational experience under a valid certificate, and hold a NJ Certificate of Eligibility for Principal or Standard Certificate as Principal. Individuals who have a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and serve as a Business Administrator/Board Secretary for at least five year are eligible for the program.

What NJEXCEL Model suits my experience and career goals?

NJEXCEL’s program models are designed to match each individual’s educational and professional experience with a path to certification to meet their career goals. The models are briefly described below.

NJEXCEL Model 1:  This model is for practicing supervisors with at least five years of supervisory experience.  It leads to a NJ Certificate of Eligibility for Principal (and certification for Director of School Counseling Services*) upon completion of the instructional components, including field-based experiences and internship, along with a passing score on the state-required test for Principal Certification (School Leader Licensure Assessment/SLLA).

NJEXCEL Model 2:  This model is for practicing classroom teachers and educational specialists holding supervisor certification and at least four years of full-time certificated experience or practicing supervisors with less than five years of supervisory experience.  It leads to a NJ Certificate of Eligibility for Principal (and certification for Director of School Counseling Services*) upon completion of the instructional components, including field-based experiences and internships, along with a passing score on the state-required test for Principal Certification (School Leader Licensure Assessment/SLLA).

NJEXCEL Model 3: This model is for practicing classroom teachers and educational specialists with at least four years of full-time, certificated experience.  It leads to NJ certification for Supervisor*, Certificate of Eligibility for Principal, Director of School Counseling Services#, and Teacher-Leader** upon completion of instructional components, including plus field-based experiences and internships, along with a passing score on the state-required test for Principal Certification (School Leader Licensure Assessment/SLLA).

NJEXCEL Model #4: This model is for practicioners who have a Certificate of Eligibility (CE), Provisional or Standard Principal Certificate.  It leads to NJ Certificate of Eligibility for School Administrator upon completion of a project-based School Administrator Internship and a passing score on the State-required test for School Administrator Certification (School Superintendent Assessment/SSA).

NOTES: *The NJDOE does not require a test for certification as Supervisor or Director of School Counseling Services. #Eligibility for Director of School Counseling Services Certification requires a master’s degree in school counseling and a minimum of three years of counselor experience. **Candidates must meet instructional certification and state eligibility requirements to become eligible for the Teacher-Leader endorsement.  


Do I have to wait until I have five years of experience as a teacher and/or educational specialist before I can apply to NJ EXCEL Model 2 or Model 3?

The NJDOE requires that you have completed at least five years of full-time experience as a teacher and/or educational specialist in order to be eligible for a NJ Principal CE.  Therefore, all NJEXCEL candidates must have completed at least four years of full-time teaching/educational specialist experience so that this requirement can be met by the end of their respective programs.


If I have a master's degree in a related educational field that is not specific to a content area in the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS), such as special education or pupil personnel services, am I eligible?


If I am certified as a supervisor and have supervisory experience in another state, am I eligible?

It depends.  If you do not currently hold a NJ Supervisor certificate, you would need to request the NJDOE to evaluate your credentials for reciprocity, which in turn would determine your eligibility for the program.   If eligible, the out-of-state supervisory/teaching years of certificated experience can be acceptable to meet admission requirements.  

Can experience as a department head, coordinator, or similar position count as supervisory experience?

Yes, as long as the position, regardless of title, requires supervisor certification with responsibilities typical of the supervisory role (e.g. staff supervision, curriculum and professional development, program and coordination).

Do I have to be a member of NJPSA to apply to NJEXCEL?

No, you do not have to be an NJPSA member to apply.   However, once accepted, Model 3 candidates and Model 2 candidates who are not currently supervisors will become NJPSA “Aspiring Leader” category members for the standard program enrollment period at no additional cost.  

For NJEXCEL Model 1, do I need five years of full-time experience as a Supervisor or can it be part-time?
State code requires five years of successful full-time experience as a supervisor of an instructional area or department related to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards under a valid supervisor certificate to be eligible for principal certification upon completion of NJEXCEL Model 1. Therefore, you may apply to NJEXCEL with at least four (4) years of supervisory experience if you will complete your fifth year by the end of the NJEXCEL Program. The required five years of supervisory experience is determined based on the job's requirement for supervisor certification and the nature of the responsibilities of the position you hold, regardless of title. For example, if your position requires supervisor certification and includes both supervisory and teaching responsibilities, it could be considered full-time.
Application Process
When will I complete my writing sample and data task analysis?

For Model 1, 2 and 3 applicants only:  The Writing Sample prompt and Data Task Analysis activity will be e-mailed to you.  You will complete and upload it prior to your interview.


How do I apply to NJEXCEL?

 Please see the "Apply To NJEXCEL" section for more information about the Application and Admissions Process.

Am I eligible for State principal and/or school administrator certification when I complete NJEXCEL?

You will be eligible for a NJ Certificate of Eligibility (CE) for Principal upon completion of NJEXCEL Models 1, 2, or 3 and earning a passing score on the state-required standardized assessment for principal (SLLA). You will be eligible for a NJ Certificate of Eligibility (CE) for School Administrator upon completion of NJ EXCEL Model 4 and also earning a passing score on the state-required standardized assessment for school administrator (SSA).

Per the NJDOE, the CE for Principal "authorizes the holder to be employed in a position that involves services as an administrative officer of a school or other comparable unit within a school or disrict in public schools in grades preschool through grade 12.  Positions include principal, assistant principal, vice principal, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instructor and director."   

Per the NJDOE, the CE for School Administrator "authorizes the holder to be employed in any position that involves services as a district-level administrator in public schools in grades preschool through grade 12.  Positions include superintendent, assistant superintendent and director." 

Once hired into one of the positions requiring the CE, the state then requires that you obtain provisional certification and complete a 1-2 year Residency to be eligible for standard principal or school administrator certification.

Does NJEXCEL provide any special support to help me pass the certification test?

The NJEXCEL curriculum is designed to provide ongoing learning experiences that mirror the SLLA and SSA problem-solving exercises (i.e. case studies, vignettes, and scenarios). NJEXCEL also offers a special series of SLLA Prep sessions and SSA Prep sessions, which review the process of each test. SLLA and SSA Prep Sessions are offered at no additional charge to current NJEXCEL candidates.

If I get a Certificate of Eligibility through NJEXCEL and don’t take a position right away, is there a limit to the number of years the CE is valid?

No, NJ state code does not currently indicate an expiration period for the certificate of eligibility.

Am I eligible for supervisor certification when I complete NJEXCEL?

The requirements for NJ supervisor certification are included within NJEXCEL Model 3. There is no state test for supervisor certification. Candidates must have at least three years of educational experience before applying for the supervisory certificate. Most candidates will be eligible to apply approximately one year after starting NJEXCEL. 

Am I eligible for certification for Director of School Counseling Services when I complete NJEXCEL?

The requirements for NJ certification for Director of School Counseling Services are included within NJ EXCEL Models 1, 2, and 3. Eligibility for this certification requires certification for guidance counselor and a minimum of three years of school counseling experience. There is currently no state test for certification for Director of School Counseling Services.

How do I apply for certification when I am finished with NJEXCEL?

Upon your request, FEA will process the nominations for your certifications upon completion of all NJEXCEL requirements, along with a passing score on the SLLA/SSA.  You are responsible for paying the required NJDOE fee for each certificate.  

How do NJEXCEL Internships work?

To meet the State requirement for a 300-hours field-based leadership experience NJEXCEL requires a range of internship experiences with multiple mentors. The purpose of the field-based experiences and internships for all NJEXCEL Models is to provide authentic, field-based, hands-on experiences under the mentorship of an exemplary practitioner. School-Based and Supervisory Internships are planned to meet each candidate’s needs based on prior experiences and professional growth targets. A School-Based Internship (90 hours) with a Principal mentor (I-Mentor) is required for Models 1, 2 and 3. A Supervisory Internship (30 hours) with a Supervisor mentor (S-Mentor) is also required for Model 3. Model 4 requires field-based internships at the district level with a School Administrator Internship (150 hours) with a superintendent/assistant superintendent mentor (I-Mentor).

How are Internship placements and mentors selected?

NJEXCEL considers, first and foremost, an Internship placement that best meets your professional growth needs. However, on a case by case basis, consideration is also given to other areas (i.e. logistics, schedule and responsibilities in current position, teaching responsibilities). Internship sites and Internship Mentors are selected and considered for approval based upon multiple factors.  Candidates typically suggest a school and/or mentor/s to be considered for NJEXCEL approval.  The goal is to help ensure that both the district/school and Internship Mentor will provide the best experience possible.  Final placement decisions are made by the NJEXCEL Field-Based Programs Coordinator in consultation with each candidate.

How will my Internships be scheduled?

Internship schedules are flexible. The exact schedule will be determined by the candidate and Internship Mentor/s based on the types of experiences that best meet professional growth targets, required performance tasks, and project/s to be completed.

Are the I/S mentor fees included in the NJEXCEL tuition?

I/S mentor fees are not included in program tuition.  These fees are paid directly to the mentor/s by the candidate.   

E-Mentor and Field Supervisor fees are included in program tuition.

Who teaches NJEXCEL classes?

NJEXCEL’s instructors, E-mentors, and field supervisors are accomplished professionals with exemplary credentials as practitioners in a range of school and district leadership positions, as well as accomplished researchers and university professors.

Graduate Credit
Can I receive graduate credit for completing NJEXCEL?

NJEXCEL is a state-approved school leader certification program and not a graduate degree program. Upon full and successful completion of the NJEXCEL program model, students may be eligible for graduate level credit through a Professional Learning Review with Thomas Edison State University (TESU) as follows:  NJEXCEL Model 1 - up to 29 credits; NJEXCEL Model 2 - up to 32 credits; NJEXCEL Model 3 - up to 42 credits; and NJEXCEL Model 4 - up to 10 credits. Credits are currently effective through June 2028 and are based upon program completion date.  Candidates may apply for a TESU ILA and official transcript upon NJEXCEL program completion (TESU fee applies).

NJEXCEL graduates may apply some of the TESU credits earned through NJEXCEL toward the attainment of a TESU master’s degree in Educational Leadership if they are interested in pursuing an additional master's degree.

NJEXCEL has partnerships with some local universities that may accept some credits or may offer reduced credit rates for their doctoral programs in educational leadership: Fees from the respective universities may apply. 

Enrollment & Location
What is the average enrollment per cohort?

The enrollment varies per cohort.  There is a typical range of 50-70 candidates, with regional groups of 20-35 candidates. However, additional candidates may be accepted. Regardless of the cohort size, candidates are divided into smaller Inquiry Groups (peer study groups) to optimize opportunities for collaboration, dialogue, and ongoing support by an E-Mentor who assigned to each Inquiry Group.

When and where do Inquiry Groups meet?

Inquiry Groups are assigned according to region (north, central, south) and meet on a regular basis at a location in their region that group members determine with their E-Mentor. Inquiry Group meetings are scheduled within the total number of required instructional hours. E-Mentors meet with their Inquiry Groups and provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the program. Inquiry Groups meet a total of 24 hours for Models 1 and 2, 33 hours for Model 3, and 24 hours for Model 4.

If enrollment for one of the regional cohorts is too low, what happens?

Candidates will be referred to another regional cohort if space is available.

How much is the tuition for each NJEXCEL Model?

Please see our Tuition and Fees page for the most up-to date information - http://www.njexcel.org/about/tuition.aspx.

FEA is committed to making the NJEXCEL Program as affordable as possible. As a self-funded program, NJEXCEL tuition is established based on program operation costs, which may vary from year to year. Therefore, FEA reserves the right to increase tuition as needed to maintain program quality.

How much is the first payment on the tuition and when is it due?

The first tuition payment for NJEXCEL Models 1, 2, and 3 is $2500, which is due upon program acceptance. Remaining tuition payments are paid in equal monthly installments, per the tuition agreement.

NJEXCEL Model 4 Tuition is due in full as one payment upon program acceptance.

NJEXCEL Model 5 Tuition is due in full as one payment upon program acceptance.

FEA accepts checks or credit card for tuition payments.

Are books included in the tuition?

Book are not included in tuition and and incur an additional charge.  NJEXCEL carefully selects current books that are cost-effective and practitioner-oriented, and which will contribute to a significant personal/professional library.  Model 1, 2 and 3 candidates are also required to obtain an ASCD Premium Online Membership at their own expense.   

Are costs for the state-required licensure test and applications for certification included in the tuition?

No, the costs related to state-required tests and for certifications are the responsibility of each candidate.

Will I be eligible to receive reimbursement for NJEXCEL tuition from my school district?

Tuition reimbursement depends on your district's policies and bargaining agreement and varies.  Many districts accept letters/information from NJEXCEL for verification of enrollment. If your district requires graduate credit for reimbursement, transcripts are available through Thomas Edison State University (at an additional charge payable directly to TESU) upon full completion of the NJEXCEL program.

Is it possible to get financial aid to pay for this program?

FEA is not eligible for federal loans that may be available through higher education institutions.  Model 1, 2 and 3 Candidates may receive a tuition discount by paying tuition in full prior to the start of the program.  Otherwise, NJEXCEL offers candidates an interest-free monthly payment plan to Model 1, 2 and 3 Candidates.  (Discounts and payment plan does not apply to Model 4 and Model 5 candidates.)


What is the NJEXCEL curriculum like? Are there exams, term papers, etc. required in NJEXCEL?

NJEXCEL is a standards-driven, performance-based program for experienced educators. As such, its emphasis is on field-based and job-embedded experiences, professional growth, and leadership performance as measured by the New Jersey Professional Standards for School Leaders. Given this emphasis and current research in leadership development and adult learning strategies, NJEXCEL is designed to provide authentic, problem-based learning experiences in an inquiry-focused, project-based curriculum that emphasizes collaboration and dialogue in the examination of leadership and instructional practices.

NJEXCEL Models 1, 2, and 3 include class sessions and special institutes, technology training sessions, and Inquiry Group meetings. All models require one or more field-based Internships that address specific professional growth needs, and one or more Internship and job-embedded projects. There are no traditional tests or exams. Multiple, performance-based assessments are used throughout all models.

NJEXCEL Models 1, 2, and 3 also require a minimum of 21 hours of technology training, which is included in the total required instructional hours. The technology requirement helps ensure all candidates attain at least a basic level of proficiency in the use of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Web resources. Technology is also integrated throughout the program to enhance candidates' understanding related to the use of technologies to enhance staff productivity, teaching, and learning. Each candidate engages in customized technology training based on his/her technology self-assessment and is provided with ongoing support and special sessions for tutoring and guided practice. NJEXCEL also makes web-based technology tutorials available to all candidates for independent online training to enhance technology skills, which is included in tuition fees.

NJEXCEL Model 4 is a field-based model, which requires a 150-hour Internship under the mentorship of a Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent, 24+ hours of Inquiry Group meetings, and one Action Research Project. There are no formal weekly classes in Model 4.

How are classes scheduled?

For Models 1, 2 and 3, classes are typcially held one evening per week (5:30-8:30 PM) and two Saturdays per month (9:30 AM-3:00 PM).  There may also be several full-day sessins held on weekdays during the summer.  Classes are held year-round for the duration of the program.  Model 4 cdoes not include weekly/weekend class sesssions.

How are classes scheduled?